US Legal
Here is how we made a difference.
Here is how we made a difference.
A few details
USLegal, the legal destination site for consumers, small business, attorneys, corporations, and anyone interested in the law or in need of legal information, products or services, needed help re-branding their current image. They wanted to re-position themselves as the leader in legal forms.
How we solved it
We delivered a contemporary design and focused on the user experience making it easier to navigate throughout the website to purchase legal forms.
Our creative team worked hand-in-hand with in-house developers to ensure an engaging user experience that used technology to enhance US Legal’s online presence
Our Analytics and User Experience team examined the current site’s usage data and paths to purchase. Based on analysis, we determined that the site’s navigation and checkout process could be streamlined to make purchasing faster and more user-friendly.
Responsive design ensures output integrity across mobile platforms by using layouts with fluid grids and images from large screens down to small mobile sizes by stacking columns vertically. No matter what device is used, the outcome is automatically readjusted to look good no matter what.
The new US Legal website offers an online experience that balances the practical needs of an online shopper while boosting the brand’s reputation as the legal authority on legal forms.